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Welcome along for another installment of “An Early Review Of” - the series where we break down the decklists and data behind Marvel SNAP’s newest card to get a better idea of how it’s truly performing in the Meta!
Today, we’ll be analyzing Ajax, a new Series 5 card introduced during the Maximum Effort season that is available in this week’s Spotlight Cache. The important question is – is Ajax worth buying? Let’s crunch the numbers.

We’ll be ranking Ajax based on the following set of parameters:
- We’ll be looking at Ajax’s performance at ranks 70-99, including a special mention of Infinite rank to get a solid idea of how it performs.
- We’ll be considering Ajax’s overall win percentage in these ranks, but also its average cubes and popularity.
- Finally, we will also take a quick look at how the archetype the card best fits performs in the current meta.
Our Tier List rankings are based on the Average Cubes and Popularity of a card when compared to all other cards in Marvel SNAP.
The Raw Data
Ajax has a +0.10 average cube rate at ranks 70-99 which is extremely disappointing. It gets even worse at the top 50% of Infinite ranks, where Ajax sports a mere -0.17 average cube rate.
We see a similar story when studying Ajax’s winrate, currently at only 51.0%, and even lower in Infinite. With its current popularity of only 1.5%, which is extremely low, we were hoping to see it get closer to the 56.6% winrate from Sasquatch or at least the +0.36 average cube rate from Adam Warlock.
For now, Ajax is sitting with similar statistics to extremely fringe cards like Attuma and Master Mold, which leaves us feeling like it’s a weak card that will struggle to find a place in the meta.
Remember that these stats will evolve over time, and this is “An Early Review Of”, so make sure you revisit the card stats and our Card Tier List once the dust settles to see where Ajax lands in terms of power level and popularity.
Ajax’s Best Decks (so far)
With over 850k games already played at ranks 70-99 with the Companion this season, we’ve got a great selection of decks to choose from if you’re looking to find a home for your freshly opened copy of Ajax. Let’s take a look at some of the best-performing options:
The standout amongst the decks with Ajax is definitely High Evo. The deck often plays cards like High Evolutionary, Scorpion and the various “evolved” cards with no ability like Misty Knight, Shocker, and Cyclops all of which have great synergy with Ajax. Don’t worry if you are missing any of the cards listed, you can always find a deck tailored to your collection on our Marvel SNAP decks page.
We also need to take a step back and not only analyze Ajax’s power level, but the archetype that plays it the most it as well. If we see the current Marvel SNAP meta, High Evo is on Tier C with a 50.0% winrate and -0.10 cube rate in the Top 50% Infinite this season.
Final Thoughts
So, is Ajax worth your Keys or Tokens? In short, probably not.
Raw data indicates that Ajax has struggled to make an impact and is amongst the weakest cards in the archetype in which it fits the best — High Evo — which means it is very unlikely for it to remain relevant in Marvel SNAP in the upcoming weeks. The release of Silver Sable in September may give it a second wind, but we fail to see it finding a permanent home until then, unless it gets buffed in a future OTA patch.
But what do you think? Is Ajax stronger than it looks? Will the upcoming releases bring enough support to make it a powerhouse? Let us know your thoughts over at @UntappedSNAP on Twitter/X. Alternatively, come and chat with the wider Marvel SNAP Community in our Discord Server!
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