Gwenpool by the Numbers: Is the new Marvel SNAP Season Pass card worth It?

How good is Gwenpool? We break down the data to find out!

Gwenpool by the Numbers: Is the new Marvel SNAP Season Pass card worth It?
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Welcome to another episode of “An Early Review Of” - the series where we delve into the decklists and data of Marvel SNAP’s latest Season Pass card, Gwenpool, to gain a deeper understanding of its impact on the meta!
Today, we’ll be examining Gwenpool, the newest Season Pass card for the Maximum Effort Season, available for $9.99 in the store. The key question is: is Gwenpool worth the purchase? Let’s dive into the numbers to find out.
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We’ll be ranking Gwnnpool based on the following set of parameters:
  • We’ll be looking at Gwenpool’s performance at the Ranks 60 and up since the season reset has just happened and that’s the best data sample size right now to get a solid idea of how it performs.
  • We’ll be considering Gwenpools’s overall win percentage in these ranks, but also its average cubes and popularity.
  • Finally, we will also take a quick look at how the archetype the card best fits performs in the current meta.
Our Tier List rankings are based on the Average Cubes and Popularity of a card when compared to all other cards in Marvel SNAP.


Gwenpool boasts an impressive +0.93 average cube rate at Ranks 60 and above, which is quite notable. Even at Ranks 80-99, it maintains a strong +0.73 cube rate.
A similar trend is evident when examining Gwenpool’s winrate, which hovers around 60% in both rank categories with a close to 30% popularity in general. These figures are promising and comparable to other Season Pass cards that weren’t overpowered. However, it's only been 24 hours since the season started, so these statistics aren’t conclusive. Additionally, we have yet to observe how this card will fare in the top Infinite Ranks.
For now, Gwenpool is performing significantly better than Gilgamesh, the previous Season Pass card, suggesting it's a strong addition that could influence the meta by altering the popularity of different archetypes and potentially their power levels.
Keep in mind that these stats are likely to change as time goes on, and this is just “An Early Review Of.” Be sure to check back on the card stats and our Card Tier List once the initial excitement settles to see where Gwenpool stands in terms of power and popularity.


With over 360,000 games already played on Ranks 60 and up with the Companion since Gwenpool’s release, we’ve got a great selection of decks to choose from if you’re looking to find a home for your freshly opened copy of Gwenpool. Let’s take a look at some of the best-performing options:
Gwenpool decks often play cards like Mister Sinister, Brood and Absorbing Man which have great synergy with this Marvel SNAP Season Pass card. Don’t worry if you are missing any of the cards listed, you can always find a deck tailored to your collection on our Marvel SNAP decks page.
We also need to take a step back and analyze not just Gwenpool’s power level, but also the archetype that utilizes it most frequently. In the current Marvel SNAP meta, the Surfer archetype stands out in Tier B with a 62% winrate and a +1.06 average cube rate, based on data from Rank 60 and up since the card's release on July 9.

Surfer Archetype

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Final Thoughts

Is Gwenpool worth it? That’s an easy question to answer. For players who spend money on the game, the Season Pass offers the best value. It provides a strong, playable card along with a wealth of resources and cosmetics.
Additionally, as we mentioned at the start of this Early Review, our analysis focuses on two key aspects: Gwenpool's power level and the strength of its archetype in the current Marvel SNAP meta. Based on raw data, Gwenpool demonstrates significant power, suggesting it will likely influence Marvel SNAP’s metagame in the coming days. At the archetype level, Surfer has consistently held a Tier B status recently. The introduction of Gwenpool could potentially enhance its performance even further.
But what do you think? Is Gwenpool secretly the truth? Will the upcoming releases bring enough support Gwenpool to make it a powerhouse? Let us know your thoughts over at @UntappedSNAP on Twitter/X. Alternatively, come and chat with the wider Marvel SNAP Community in our Discord Server!