An Early Review Of Sersi, Marvel SNAP’s New Series 5 Card

How is Sersi performing so far? HowlingMines studies high-rank deck lists to see how good she really is!

An Early Review Of Sersi, Marvel SNAP’s New Series 5 Card
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Welcome along for another installment of “An Early Review Of” - the series where we break down the decklists and data behind Marvel SNAP’s newest card release in order to get a better idea of how it’s truly performing after a few days out in the wild!
Today, we’ll be analyzing Series 5’s Sersi, the third new card brought to us by The Celestial’s Finest Season Pass. This card wasn’t expected to have a huge impact on the metagame prior to release, but that hasn’t stopped many a content creator posting incredible highlights showcasing what she can do!
The important question is – is Sersi worth buying or just a YouTube Clip Machine? Let’s crunch the numbers:
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We’ll be ranking Sersi based on the following set of parameters:
  • We’re only considering data since the most recent patch (which in this case was June 4th 2024). This does not include any games influenced by Hot Locations or Featured Locations.
  • We’ll be looking at Sersi’s performance at the Infinite Rank and above, including special mention of the Top 10% of the Infinite Rank. We want a solid idea of how she performs when the going gets tough more than how regularly she punks out someone who is playing for fun.
  • We’ll be considering Sersi’s overall win percentage in these ranks, but also her average cubes and popularity.
Our Tier List rankings are based on the Average Cubes and Popularity of a card when compared to all other cards in Marvel SNAP.


Sersi falls about as close to the middle of the target as possible. She has a literal zero cube average at the Infinite Rank which is kind of remarkable, really. She sneaks up to a meagre +0.05 inside of the Top 10%. Universally, she’s not losing you any cubes – but she’s not really winning you any either.
We see a similar story when studying Sersi’s winrate, managing roughly 50% across both categories too. That may be impressive if the card was slightly more popular but if a card is only being played by 9.5% of eligible players, we’re looking to see it get closer to the 53% of Jeff The Baby Land Shark or the 54% of Nocturne before we start raving about it.
For now, Sersi is sitting with similar statistics to Killmonger, which leaves me feeling like she’s a solid build around but in no way meta defining.


With over 120,000 games already played at the Infinite Rank with the Companion since the June 4th Patch, we’ve got a great selection of decks to choose from if you’re looking to find a home for your freshly opened copy of Sersi. Let’s take a look at the best performing options:

Junk Deck

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The standout amongst the 50,000 games played at the top of the Infinite Rank is Junk, everyone’s favorite way to fill the opposing board with various amounts of garbage. The deck naturally has random characters like The Hood, White Widow and Mysterio clones left over once they’ve done their job, and Sersi is more than happy to refresh those into new characters if Annihilus isn’t around to donate them.
But Sersi also does particularly remarkable things with Sentry and Mockingbird. Don’t fancy a The Void losing the right location that an opponent panic-filled? Want a free Mockingbird on the final turn of the game? Sersi’s got you.
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If you’re just looking for the most impressive Average Cubes and Winrate, there’s a very cute Silver Surfer decklist lurking around in the top of the Infinite Rank. By loading up a location with Forge, Mister Sinister (and his clone) or even a wayward White Widow, Sersi can transform them all into random 3-cost characters that can be turbocharged with Silver Surfer. You can even just turn all your Brood’s into random 4-costs should you fail to find the namesake card - how cool is that?!
This deck certainly needs a lot more games in order to prove it has what it takes, but it might just be a serious meta contender in the future.
Finally, we’ve got this sweet looking brew from renown content creator @Owl_Snap, who has been championing the unique combination of Sersi and Wong inside the traditional Black Bolt + Stature shell. If you play Sersi onto a location with Wong active, she’ll trigger twice and level up everything there again! This can lead your Wong to become a Doctor Doom or Blob, or your various 2-costs into iconic 4-costs like Ms.Marvel!
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They’ve even showcased their Mobius M. Mobius crushing games as a Doctor Octopus that pulls out Destroyer. There’s no telling the nonsense you can get up to with a deck like this!
Owl has clearly jammed plenty of games to an impressive 67% winrate. That’s so close to being *very nice* and is certainly an archetype I expect more players to explore in the wake of their results.

Final Thoughts

Sersi has been more impressive than most of us expected her to be but that still only leaves her as a unique build around, not a metagame defining lynchpin. It’s at least defendable to spend some keys to acquire her if you enjoy the explosive, flashy things she can do alongside Wong or Sentry, but don’t expect her to carry your Infinite climb alone!
But what do you think? Is Sersi secretly the truth? Let us know your thoughts over at @UntappedSNAP on Twitter/X. Alternatively, come and chat with the wider Marvel SNAP Community in our Discord Server!
If you’d like an extra helping of me, you can find me over at @HowlingMines for all things card games. You also may find me on the Ranked ladder. You’ve been warned!
Until next time – I've been HowlingMines, you’ve been amazing.