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Welcome along for another installment of “An Early Review Of” - the series where we break down the decklists and data behind Marvel SNAP’s newest card, Marvel Boy, to get a better idea of how it’s truly performing in the Meta!
Today, we’ll be analyzing Marvel Boy, a new Series 5 card introduced during the Young Avengers season that is available in this week’s Spotlight Cache. The important question is – is Marvel Boy worth buying? Let’s crunch the numbers.

We’ll be ranking Marvel Boy based on the following set of parameters:
- We’ll be looking at Marvel Boy’s performance at the 70-100+ Ranks
- We’ll be considering Marvel Boy’s overall win percentage in these ranks, but also its average cubes and popularity.
- Finally, we will also take a quick look at how the archetype the card best fits performs in the current meta.
Our Tier List rankings are based on the Average Cubes and Popularity of a card when compared to all other cards in Marvel SNAP.
The Raw Data
Marvel Boy has a +0.86 average cube rate at Ranks 70 and above which show the card has potential. We a staggering 62.5% winrate at the same rank bracket which is something expected for competitive cards at the begining of the season. These positive numbers demonstrates the card’s powerlevel, even during the experimatation pahse. At this point, the card is included on 6.3% of decks since the last patch on August 1st.
These numbers look interestingly close to those of Hawkeye Kate Bishop the Season Pass card for Marvel SNAP Young Avenger’s season. This is a good indicator that the card is solid, and while it is not a buildaround card, it is having an impact on the meta.
Remember that these stats will evolve over time, and this is “An Early Review Of”, so make sure you revisit the card stats and our Card Tier List once the dust settles to see where Marvel Boy lands in terms of power level and popularity.
Marvel Boy’s Best Decks (so far)
With over 630,000 games already played at Rank 70 and above with the Companion since August 1st, we’ve got a fair selection of decks to choose from if you’re looking to find a home for your freshly opened copy of Marvel Boy. Let’s take a look at some of the best-performing options:
The standout amongst the 630,000 games played on ranks 70 and above since the latest patch is the Zoo deck. The deck often plays cards like Ka-Zar, Blue Marvel and Gilgamesh which have great synergy with Marvel Boy. Also, there are some other experimental swarm experimental builds as we see in the second deck featured that leverages other 1-Cost cards and token generators as Ultron to activate Marvel Boy’s effect.
Don’t worry if you are missing any of the cards listed, you can always find a deck tailored to your collection on our Marvel SNAP decks page.
We also need to take a step back and not only analyze Marvel Boy’s power level, but the archetype that plays it the most it as well. If we see the current Marvel SNAP meta, Zoo is on Tier A with a 60.3% winrate and +0.68 cube rate considering Ranks 70 and above, data since the latest OTA Patch on August 1st.
Zoo Archetype

Final Thoughts
Is Marvel Boy worth your Keys or Tokens? That’s the big question. As we’ve mentioned at the beginning of this Early Review, the analysis revolves around two dimensions, Marvel Boy power level and how strong its archetype is in the current Marvel SNAP meta.
Raw data says that Marvel Boy seems to be powerful which means it should shift Marvel SNAP’s metagame in the upcoming days. On an archetype level, Zoo has been sitting on Tier A for the past few days, the addition of Marvel Boy would certainly improve its performance.
As all new cards it is featuer in the weekly Spotlight Caches alongside Red Hulk and Blob, so factor that into consideration when thinking if its better to get Marvel Boy using Collector Tokens or Spotlight Keys.
But what do you think? Is Marvel Boy secretly the truth? Will he be able to make the Zoo archetype evolve to compete at the highest levels? Let us know your thoughts over at @UntappedSNAP on Twitter/X. Alternatively, come and chat with the wider Marvel SNAP Community in our Discord Server!
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