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Welcome to the Marvel SNAP Meta Report (Ranked) for the week of September 10, 2024. The Meta Report is a weekly article series where we review the best Ranked decks and strategies in the top ranks of Marvel SNAP.
Marvel SNAP Tier List
We're two weeks into the Amazing Spider-Season and Tier A is filled with a diverse set of archetypes, all with equal footing in the meta. As Symbiote Spider-Man experimentation comes to a close, players are switching back to high-performance decks with proven track records. Currently, the Tier List shows the Wiccan Archetype narrowly creeping past the Surfer Archetype by just a few percentage points as the top dog at Rank 70 and above, with a +0.70 average cube rate and respectable 58.8% winrate. With just a 0.1% popularity rate, Wiccan decks seem to be far and few between, and you're more likely to run into the Arishem Archetype (5.9%), Bounce Archetype (5.6%) and even Destroy Archetype (6.7%) on ladder.
Looking closer at the data, we can see that under the hood, this classification of Wiccan decks are Loki decks in disguise. In the card's new weakened state, Loki has become a secondary game plan here in lieu of a strong early game created by the Kitty Pryde, Angela, Thena package and multiple late game lines to pivot to when needed. Five of the most commonly played cards, including Loki, Wiccan and Kitty Pryde are present in 93% or more of Wiccan decks. The most popular Wiccan deck sports a 60.3% winrate and +0.83 average cube rate, clocking it at both a higher winrate and average cube rate than the archetype as a whole.
Most Popular Wiccan Cards
Despite Wiccan moving to the top, the Surfer Archetype continues to perform well. The archetype is able to put out formidable power with relative ease and capitalizes well when opposing decks stumble in their game plans. Turn 3 Brood into Turn 4 Absorbing Man is still an incredibly strong play that most decks struggle to keep up with and the archetype's counters are still no where to be seen, although Cosmo is beginning to creep up in play rate, rising to a 9.9% popularity at Rank 70 and above.
Most Popular Surfer Cards
Down in Tier B, we find the Zoo Archetype and Patriot Archetype battling it out for the top spot. While the average cube rate is the same, Zoo pulls ahead in terms of winrate despite similar popularity rates. Both Zoo and Patriot were no where to be seen in our Marvel SNAP Meta Report (Ranked) — September 6, 2024, but have seen their metrics increase with Sandman's popularity falling despite its high performance. Patriot, while having a similar game plan to Sandman, seems to be the weaker of the two, and using Ultron as a finisher proves to be a better strategy than focusing on buffing the drones.
Most Popular Cards in Marvel SNAP
Give yourself the edge in the Marvel SNAP meta by studying the Card Tier List and checking the most popular cards each week. You'll have a better grasp on what to expect in any given match and understand each and every tool both at your and your opponent's disposal better.
Cassandra Nova remains at the top of the Card Tier List, now with a 24.6% popularity rate. Out of the nine most popular cards, only two are tech cards - Shang-Chi and Killmonger. If your deck is particularly susceptible to these, you may want to adjust your game plan or even which deck to play.
Decks that are susceptible to Shang or Killmonger aren't unplayable - your opponent still needs to draw the card and find the right time to play it to be impactful. Just be mindful of these tech options as you evaluate your opponent's deck to elevate your performance by a significant margin.
Next week Araña drops alongside Sage and Ms. Marvel. Be prepared to face players experimenting, as we see a spike in popularity on spotlight cache days.
All Untapped analytics are Powered by data, not opinions, and backed up by thousands of games. Our Marvel SNAP Meta Tier List and Deck Database include a variety of lists that will allow you to find the perfect deck to play and even replacements for cards you are missing. Sync your collection to filter for only decks you can build.
For a look at the decks performing well in Conquest mode, make sure to visit our Conquest page.