Acquiring and Using Gold Optimally

Learn how to get and spend your Marvel SNAP resources by mastering on Gold management!

Acquiring and Using Gold Optimally
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Acquiring Gold

Gold is the premium currency in Marvel Snap, being the only currency directly purchasable for cash. However, there are a variety of ways to acquire this currency for free:
  1. Weekly Challenge: Doing 5+ missions in a week nets you Gold from the Weekly Challenge rewards, up to 25 missions.
  1. Season Pass: The season pass offers a bit of gold for F2P players
  1. Season Caches: There are small odds to get Gold in the Season Caches once you get past Season Pass level 50.
  1. Conquest: The conquest reward shop has a few hundred gold available as one of the rewards for getting medals.
  1. Ladder Rank 90
  1. Login Events: Every so often, SD has a login event where gold can be one of the rewards.
Additionally, gold can be acquired from a variety of paid sources:
  1. Season Pass (Paid): Additional gold can be unlocked from the Season Pass paid track
  1. Gold Pass: A purchasable pass that gives you gold for every day you log in to the game
  1. Cash Bundles: Several cash bundles offer gold currency
  1. Direct Gold Purchase: The shop allows for the purchase of gold directly with cash
  1. Weekend Challenge: Every weekend, there is a special set of missions, one of which rewards you with Gold if you own the Season Pass card.

Spending Gold

Variants generate minimal progression

Variants provide a very small amount of progression. While you can gain some progression resources via the albums system or the Tokens from PMV purchases, they are overwhelmingly used for cosmetics. Spending gold on them will directly detract from your ability to acquire more cards.

Gold-to-Credits is inefficient

While Gold for Credits provides some collection progression, it will be at minimum 25% less value than you can get from using Gold on “High Currency Value Bundles” (see Spending Gold subsection). You can make your credits go significantly further than direct Credit purchases.

Mission Refreshes are inefficient

You get the same return as buying credits directly with a small bonus of Season Pass XP and are therefore discouraged for similar reasons as above.

Spending Gold Optimally

The best use of Gold is on what is referred to as “High Currency Value Bundles” or “High Progression Value Bundles”. These are bundles that have a Currency Value (not Bundle Value) of 120% or higher as defined by SnapFan. Always make sure to look at the future bundles to see what the highest value bundles upcoming are so you can plan your gold spend accordingly. If you are a player below CL 500, do not spend any of your Gold. Once you get to CL 500, you unlock access to all of the bundles in the game, including those that have tokens in them.
You almost always want to go for the highest Currency Value bundle you can target. Don’t be afraid to hold on to gold for a few months to make sure you get the most bang for your buck. That being said, there are exceptions to targeting the highest value bundle. If you are planning to target a specific Spotlight week for certain cards, you may want to take a slightly lower Currency Value bundle if it gives you the Credits you need to have enough for that week. Alternatively, if you know you don’t want to spend Spotlight Caches for a while, or have no weeks that interest you, but have a card you need for completing a competitive deck, give a little more weight to bundles with a lot of Tokens. In either case, spending Gold on bundles below 120% currency value is heavily advised against.

About this article

This article was written by several contributors from the Marvel SNAP’s Official Discord Wiki Team. The Wiki Team is a group of community members who work on and contribute articles to Marvel SNAP’s Discord Wiki. Learn more about this program.

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