Acquiring and Using Collector Tokens Optimally

Learn how to get and spend your Marvel SNAP resources by mastering Collector Token management!

Acquiring and Using Collector Tokens Optimally
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Acquiring Tokens

Tokens are a currency used to directly select S4/5 cards. They can be acquired in one of several ways:
  1. Hitting CL 500: You’re awarded 3000 Tokens when hitting CL 500
  1. Collector’s Caches: One in every 4 Collector’s caches will have Tokens
  1. Collectors Reserves: When Series 3 incomplete, 1 in every 9 Collector’s Reserves will have tokens. When Series 3 complete, that jumps up to 2 in every 9.
  1. Weekend Challenge: If you acquired the new card release, there will be a weekend mission that will give you some Tokens.
  1. Bundles: High currency value gold bundles typically provide a lot of Tokens for the gold, see the Spending Gold subsection for more details.
  1. Daily Offer Redemption: For every 10 variants purchased in the shop, you get tokens and a PMV. This reward must be manually acquired before it starts accruing again.
  1. Login Events: Every so often, SD has a login event where tokens can be one of the rewards.
Additionally, some albums have token rewards. However, they typically require the purchase of Super Rare Variants which are only acquirable with gold or the rare PMV gift and as such are rare to get.

Spending Tokens

Consider avoiding random S3 cards

Series 3 cards are much easier to acquire than S4/5 cards, which can only be acquired on specific weeks in Spotlight Caches or via tokens, while S3 cards are unlocked normally through Collector’s Caches and Reserves. As you become S3 complete, you will have an abundance of these where what were former S3 cards now become 100 tokens. Because you are guaranteed to open all of the S3 cards naturally and without planning, buying a random S3 card is effectively spending 900 tokens to borrow an S3 card from yourself (1000 tokens to buy the card - 100 tokens from the future Reserve it would have been in). Additionally, the S3 pool of cards is very large, so there are high odds of opening a card that doesn't synergize with your collection or is just not good.

Buying S4/5 Cards

Series 4 cards cost 3000 tokens, and Series 5 cards cost 6000 tokens. Because of how valuable and difficult they are to come by, extra care should be taken when spending them: Tokens should be spent on cards that improve your existing decks or broaden the archetypes you can play, but the cost efficiency factor should be accounted for in your token purchase decisions.
If you are a new to S3 player, you should consider not spending your tokens yet. Tokens are great for filling out missing gaps in your collection with S4/5 cards. Open a few dozen S3 cards and some S4/5 spotlights, and let your collection guide your S4/5 token purchases. If you need help selecting a card for purchase, ask in Game-Advice Discord Channel.

About this article

This article was written by several contributors from the Marvel SNAP’s Official Discord Wiki Team. The Wiki Team is a group of community members who work on and contribute articles to Marvel SNAP’s Discord Wiki. Learn more about this program.

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