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Alliances are the heart of Marvel Snap's social experience. They provide players with the opportunity to join forces, build communities, and strategize together.
How to Alliance?
Joining an Alliance
Players can join an Alliance by navigating to the Alliance menu and searching or selecting an Alliance to join. Alliances set to Open can be joined immediately if the minimum requirements are fulfilled (see below: Alliance Settings), while Alliances set to Invite Only require an application to be sent and accepted before joining. The maximum number of members for an Alliance is 30. If an Alliance is full or set to Closed, nobody will be able to join or apply to join.
If you already have an Alliance to join, they can provide you with a code to paste in the search menu to quickly join them.
If you don't have an Alliance to join, you can use the search function to find one in-game that suits you. When searching for an alliance, you can filter based on Tag, Alliance Name, Minimum Collection Level, Minimum Highest Rank Achieved, Language, and Search Labels. See the Alliance Settings section below to see definitions and explanations of these terms.

Leaving an Alliance
Players can leave their Alliance by navigating to the Members menu within their Alliance. You can only leave alliances twice per day.

Alliance Creation and Settings
How to create an Alliance
You can create an Alliance by navigating to the Alliance menu, which has replaced the inbox & news tab, and selecting Create Alliance. Please note that this option only appears when you are currently not in an Alliance. Creating an Alliance costs 100 gold. After successfully creating the Alliance, whoever created it will be the leader of the Alliance.

Alliance Settings
There are many different parameters you can set and selections you can make while creating an Alliance. Note that any of these settings can be changed for free at any time after Alliance creation. The following is a list of every selection and parameter available in the Alliance settings:
- Emblem: An icon that represents your Alliance for people searching for it.
- Theme: The theme changes the visual style of your Alliance.
- Tag: A 3-letter combination representing your Alliance (cannot include emojis).
- Alliance Name: The name of your Alliance (cannot include emojis). Note: The combination of tag and Alliance name has to be unique. No two Alliances can have the same tag and the same name. Note: Alliance Name can only be changed once every 4 weeks.
- Alliance Description: A fitting text description of your Alliance (cannot include emojis).
- Minimum Collection Level: This parameter sets an entry requirement for your Alliance based on players’ current collection level. The possible options are:
- Any Level
- 250 CL
- 500 CL
- 1000 CL
- 2500 CL
- 5000 CL
Players not meeting the set criteria will not be able to join your Alliance.
- Minimum Highest Rank Achieved: This parameter sets an entry requirement for your Alliance based on players’ highest lifetime rank achieved. The possible options are:
- Any Rank
- Bronze (Rank 20)
- Silver (Rank 30)
- Gold (Rank 40)
- Diamond (Rank 60)
- Omega (Rank 80)
- Infinite (Rank 100)
Players not meeting the set criteria will not be able to join your Alliance.
- Privacy: This setting regulates how other players can join your Alliance. The available settings are Open, Invite Only, and Closed.
- Open: Any player who meets the set entry requirements can join your Alliance.
- Invite Only: Players can only join your Alliance by applying, provided they meet the set criteria.
- Language: This serves as information to players wanting to join Alliances. It indicates the main language used to communicate in the in-game Alliance channel.
- Search Labels: These are labels displayed on the Alliance page. These labels should describe the style of your alliance as well as possible to potential applicants. You can choose to display up to 3 of the following labels:
- Beginner Friendly
- Competitive
- Has Discord Server
- Will Help Deck Build
- Conquest Mode
- Very Active
- Somewhat Active
- Casual
- Variant Collectors
- Bounty Focused

Alliance Structure
Roles within an Alliance
Each Alliance has an Alliance Leader. This is initially the player who created the Alliance, but can be assigned to another player.
The Alliance leader can assign as many Alliance Officers as they wish.
Every player that isn't the Alliance leader or an Alliance officer is an Alliance Member.
Role-specific permissions
- Members:
- Report other users
- Message in the chat
- Officers:
- Manage new applications: Accepting or rejecting new applications.
- Kick users: Kicking a player removes them from your Alliance
- Ban users: Banning a player removes them from your Alliance and prevents them from re-joining and re-applying. Banned players can be unbanned through the Ban List menu in the Alliance member settings.

Alliance Chat
The Alliance chat can be accessed through the textbox icon at the bottom right of the Alliance menu. Its primary use is to communicate with Alliance members. Offensive and inappropriate language rules are enforced, so be nice! The Alliance chat settings can be accessed through the cog wheel in the top right. The following options can be set:
- Chat Off/On: Disables the chat. Keep in mind that you will not see any messages from your alliance members, if this setting is off!
- Feed Off/On: Disables the Snap Bot, so you can't anymore see the achievements shared.
- Muted Players: This applies a personal mute for every selected player. This means that you will not be able to see their current and past messages in the Alliance chat. Keep in mind that other Alliance members will still be able to view their messages.

In the Alliance chat, the [SNAP] Bot will automatically share certain member achievements and activities:
- Winning an 8-cube game
- Beating infinite conquest
- Hitting infinite rank
- Players joining/leaving
Bounties are Marvel SNAP's Alliance reward system. Alliance members need to complete certain tasks to earn points and gain progress toward personal and Alliance rewards.
Every Alliance has a pool of bounties their members can pick from. Each Alliance member can select up to 3 total bounties at a time. As soon as a bounty is completed, a new one can be selected. You can drop already selected bounties up to 3 times per week, enabling you to select a new bounty without completing an already selected one. Keep in mind that dropping a bounty will not give you any points, even if you already made progress on the bounty.
Any selected bounties will clear out on the weekly reset. Additionally, leaving your Alliance will remove all progress for currently running bounties, but you will not lose your personal rewards progress.

Personal Rewards
Personal rewards are the same for each Alliance member. However, the progress on these rewards depends on the bounty completions for each individual member. Completing bounties and getting cubes fills up the personal reward meter. Every unlocked reward is paid out at a weekly reset. As of the time of writing, the rewards consist of boosters and credits.
Alliance Rewards
Alliance rewards are the same for every Alliance member. These rewards require a higher point-tally, and therefore depend on group effort to obtain. For each member, completing bounties and getting cubes fills up the Alliance reward meter. Each cube gained counts 2 points. As of the time of writing, the available rewards are boosters, credits, and Mystery Variants.
Point Contributors
This Leaderboard ranks each member of the Alliance by their total contributions. The total contribution is the sum of all points obtained through bounties, and all cubes gained during the week. Lost cubes don't reduce the total point contribution. The point contributors leaderboard resets at the start of each week.

About this article
This article was written by several contributors from the Marvel SNAP’s Official Discord Wiki Team. The Wiki Team is a group of community members who work on and contribute articles to Marvel SNAP’s Discord Wiki. Learn more about this program.
Post Changelog
- [04/30/2024] Introduced
dylantz (CL 150mg/dL)
[TVN] Crash | $48 Spent