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Welcome to the Untapped Day One Infinite Decks for the November 2024 War of the Nine Realms Season. Day One Infinite Decks is a monthly article series where we showcase and highlight community decks that have cruised through the ladder grind in 24 hours or less. Here, we pick a handful of decks based on their speed, consistency and ease of use. These decks are proven to take you to Infinite Rank and secure your monthly card back.
Surtur is the Season Pass card for the November 2024 War of the Nine Realms Season and players have already cracked the deck composition for the new card. Often, Day One Infinite Decks utilize the latest card, but don't worry - we'll be highlighting decks without Surtur as well for those who are still undecided on picking up the Season Pass. Geladoo's Day One Infinite Deck opts for a couple of unorthodox swaps and has achieved Infinite Rank in record time. Analyzing the deck composition, we see Surtur synergizing well with the traditional Point Slam Archetype 4-Cost cards, giving a deck a wide range of power if multiple cards are discounted by an early Zabu.
Geladoo's Surtur Deck
Surtur has breathed new life into a deck that never fully picked up steam: Point Slam. As experimentation and inflated bot numbers begin to return to normal, Point Slam may find itself right back where it was last season. Until then, however, Point Slam is sitting in Tier B on our Meta Tier List with a 65.2% winrate and +1.03 average cube rate at Rank 70 and above. Three cards in the deck also appear in 90% or more of Point Slam decks, including Skaar, Crossbones and Zabu. Geladoo came in a Top 200 with this build.
Common Point Slam Card Replacements

The second Day One Infinite Deck showcased is Frigga Move from @evazord and is a remix of the traditional Move Archetype with a shiny new toy. Looking a bit deeper at the build, we see flairs of Agent Venom Archetype and Bounce Archetype sprinkled in. Agent Venom once again makes the cut, as does Toxin and Madame Web, creating a greatest hits of the last few seasons.
@evazord's Frigga Move
Common Move Card Replacements

Finally, we have Frigga Surfer from @lufku9, as a new 3-Cost card has released and the Surfer Archetype is a natural home. Taking a closer look, the deck is made up of cards you don't mind duplicating: Daken, Makkari and Sebastian Shaw. There are even some tricky lines, like adding a card buffed by Agony to your hand or playing Daken's Muramasa Shard to play a second before Killmonger.
@lufku9's Frigga Surfer
Common Toxic Surfer Card Replacements

Having Trouble on Your Climb?
Day One Infinite is a grind made possible with an abundance of time and a deep knowledge of Marvel SNAP's game systems and mechanics. It is by no means an easy feat! Keep in mind that achieving Infinite Rank is meant to be a slow burn that you reach some time across a month span. Be sure to take a look at our Meta Report, Card Tier List Meta Tier List and Deck Database for a full picture of the Marvel SNAP meta. We can help you pick a deck that suits your play style and collection to reach Infinite.

Currently, the Meta Tier List shows the Sera Control Archetype as the best deck at Rank 70 and above, with a +1.21 average cube rate and 61.7% winrate. If you're looking to climb, this may be your best option.
All Untapped analytics are Powered by data, not opinions, and backed up by thousands of games. Our Marvel SNAP Meta Tier List and Deck Database include a variety of lists that will allow you to find the perfect deck to play and even replacements for cards you are missing. Sync your collection to filter for only decks you can build.
For a look at the decks performing well in Conquest mode, make sure to visit our Conquest page.