New Release By The Numbers: Is Scorn Worth Spotlight Keys?

Is Scorn worth your Spotlight Keys or Tokens? We break down the data to find out!

New Release By The Numbers: Is Scorn Worth Spotlight Keys?
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Hell hath no fury like a Marvel SNAP player scorned. Scorn is the latest symbiote to join the We Are Venom Season, but should you pick it up?
Scorn is here to eat Miek's lunch, quickly replacing the card as the quintessential 1-Cost card for the Discard Archetype. While Scorn's natural home may be traditional Discard, its minimal cost offers the card immense flexibility and it can be slotted into a variety of decks. Much like the Ghost-Spider and Dagger micro-package, Scorn and a handful of small Discard cards, such as Blade, Colleen and even Swordmaster, are able to slot into decks with a few flex slots, like Zoo Archetype or Surfer Archetype, as detailed in our Spotlight Cache Showcase: Scorn, Sebastian Shaw, Jean Grey article, but early numbers aren't showing success with this strategy. The By the Numbers Article Series dives into the metrics behind the latest card release to help you decide if the new Series 5 card available in this week’s Spotlight Cache is worth your precious resources. Find out our verdict on Scorn below.
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We’ll be ranking Scorn based on the following set of parameters:
  • We’ll be looking at Scorn's performance at the Rank 70 and above
  • We’ll be considering Scorn's overall win percentage in these ranks, but also its average cubes and popularity
  • Finally, we'll look at which archetypes Scorn best fits into and how the card performs in the current meta
Our Card Tier List are based on the Average Cubes and Popularity of a card when compared to all other cards in Marvel SNAP.

The Raw Data

Scorn has a +0.18 average cube rate at Rank 70 and above, placing it at Tier B on the Card Tier Rankings. The card has a 52.3% winrate, nothing too groundbreaking when compared to the meta tyrants. Although the Discard Archetype is maintaining mild success in Tier B, the card is pushing it well past the archetype's average metrics. Its 3.9% popularity means there's very few players experimenting with the new card.
We'll be watching to see if Scorn's performance improves as the limited player experimentation begins to slow down in the coming weeks and its popularity drops further. For now, the card's metrics match the winrates and average cube rates of cards playing in a similar space, like The Hood and Ant-Man.
Remember that these stats will settle over time and this early review consists of 24 hours of data. Be sure to revisit the card stats on our Card Tier List to see where Scorn lands in terms of power level and popularity.

Scorn’s Best Decks

With thousands of games already logged by the Untapped Companion at Rank 70 and above since Scorn's release, we have good picture of which decks are working for the latest Series 5 card and which are not. Here are the best-performing options:
The standout here is an established deck with a high winrate: Classic Discard. Discard has struggled a bit this meta, overshadowed by the Hela Archetype, but since the recent Hellcow nerf, it has been they go to Discard deck. Scorn is a welcomed new addition to the archetype, either joining Miek as an additional 1-Cost card in the deck or replacing it entirely. With a +0.48 average cube rate and high 62.3% winrate at Rank 70 and above the deck is performing well, with Scorn contributing much to its success. The deck often plays cards like Morbius, Gambit and Dracula to keep the discards churning out power. Don’t worry if you are missing any of the cards listed, you can always find a deck tailored to your collection on our Marvel SNAP Decks page.
The other style opts for a lower curve and adopts a more Surfer Archetype-style game plan. Discard Surfer leverages cards like Sword Master, Sebastian Shaw and Sera to merge both archetypes into one while taking advantage of the high power output potential. While the metrics aren't quite yet there, the new lines enabled by Scorn may be what the deck needs to take off.
We also need to not only analyze Scorn's individual power level, but the archetypes utilizing the card best as well. If we look at the current Marvel SNAP meta, the Discard Archetype is sitting in Tier B with a 54.4% winrate and +0.25 average cube rate using data since the card's release on October 15, 2024 at Rank 70 and above. The most popular deck, however, comes in slightly higher, with a 55.5% winrate and +0.32 cube rate.


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Final Thoughts

Is Scorn worth your resources? Early Review analysis revolves around two dimensions, the card's immediate power level and how strong its archetype is in the current Marvel SNAP meta within its release window.
The raw data shows Scorn is putting out middling metrics with low popularity. As popularity lowers even further in the coming weeks, these metrics should increase as the card is played less for experimentation and by a higher skilled class of player, but outside of Discard, decks utilizing Scorn's ability aren't putting out impressive numbers. On an archetype level, the Discard Archetype is sitting in Tier B since the card's release.
What do you think? Is Scorn the missing a piece Discard has needed to reach the next level? How is the card performing for you? Let us know your thoughts over at @UntappedSNAP on Twitter/X. Alternatively, come and chat with the wider Marvel SNAP Community on our Discord Server!