Marvel SNAP Meta Report (Ranked): October 4, 2024

Check out the latest Marvel SNAP meta report for the top decks, popular cards and more!

Marvel SNAP Meta Report (Ranked): October 4, 2024
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Welcome to the Marvel SNAP Meta Report (Ranked) for the week of October 4, 2024. The Meta Report is a weekly article series where we review the best decks and strategies in the top ranks of Marvel SNAP.

Marvel SNAP Tier List

The We Are Venom Season has officially launched and players are finding ways to squeeze Agent Venom into every archetype possible as they experiment and test their ideas. Remember to take the data of the first week of a new season with a grain of salt, as these numbers are skewed by inflated popularity rates. Currently, the Tier List shows the Negative Archetype at the top of Tier A at Rank 70 and above, with a strong +0.94 average cube rate and 55.7% winrate. With just 1.7% popularity rate, Negative decks seem to be rare despite their high performance, and you're more likely to run into the Hela Archetype (9.6%), Bounce Archetype (6.7%) and Clog Archetype (6.3%) on ladder.
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Looking closer at the data, we can see that Negative decks are as close to their perfect 12 as ever, with maybe one or two flex slots. Three of the most commonly played cards, Mister Negative, Iron Man and Mystique, are present in 99% or more of Negative decks. The most popular Negative deck sports a 56.9% winrate and whopping +1.09 average cube rate, higher than the archetype average at Rank 70 and above.
Most Popular Negative Cards
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Moving to second place, while the Bounce Archetype is on the rise, we still see the Surfer Archetype giving it a run for its money, as its deck composition and flex slots give it room to stay agile and adapt to the meta. Five of its most commonly played cards, including Silver Surfer, Brood and Forge, are present in 90% or more of Surfer decks. The most popular Surfer deck sports a 59.5% winrate and +0.96 average cube rate, clocking it at a higher cube rate, but lower winrate than the archetype as a whole.
Most Popular Surfer Cards
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Down in Tier B, we find the Tribunal Archetype, Phoenix Archetype, Hela Archetype and Toxic Surfer Archetype all fighting for the top spot. Their winrates and average cubes are similar, but Phoenix Force has a lower popularity. This gives it a slight advantage, as opponents won’t expect to run into the deck and are likely to have fewer tech cards against it.
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While Hela represents a large chunk of the meta with a 9.6% play rate, it isn't the meta tyrant it once was as detailed in our Marvel SNAP Meta Report (Ranked) - September 27, 2024 not too long ago. The decks in Tier A, Negative, Surfer and Bounce, can all go taller than Hela, sometimes even with perfect RNG, whereas the other top Tier B decks, Living Tribunal and Phoenix Force, prey on decks that have no tech, allowing them to steamroll Hela when they draw their key components.
To have an edge in the Marvel SNAP meta you must understand each and every tool both at your and your opponent's disposal. By studying the Card Tier List and checking the most popular cards each week, you'll have a better grasp on what to expect in any given match.
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The top of the Card Tierlist is littered with Bounce and Hela cards at Rank 70 and above since the We Are Venom Season launch. The first tech card isn't seen until the top of Tier B. Naturally, it's Shang-Chi, but the card's metrics have fallen as players focus on building their own boards rather than countering their opponent's. Shang is still present in 25.0% of decks, but seems to be less effective or used less in lieu of other options. If your deck is particularly susceptible to it, adjust your game plan.
This doesn’t mean that decks susceptible to Shang are unplayable - your opponent still needs to draw the card and find the right time to play it to be impactful. Just keep it in mind as you evaluate your opponent's deck to elevate your performance by a significant margin.
Next week Misery drops alongside Namora and War Machine. Be prepared to face players experimenting, as we see a spike in popularity on spotlight cache days.
All Untapped analytics are Powered by data, not opinions, and backed up by thousands of games. Our Marvel SNAP Meta Tier List and Deck Database include a variety of lists that will allow you to find the perfect deck to play and even replacements for cards you are missing. Sync your collection to filter for only decks you can build.
For a look at the decks performing well in Conquest mode, make sure to visit our Conquest page.