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Wiccan's erratic twin brother Speed has finally raced into Marvel SNAP, but is the latest release from the Young Avengers Season worth your Keys or Tokens?
Let's break down the decklists and data behind Marvel SNAP’s newest card, Speed, and see if this is a Meta breaker or a non-starter. The By the Numbers Article Series dives into the numbers behind the latest card release to help you decide if the new Series 5 card available in this week’s Spotlight Cache is worth your precious resources. Find out the verdict on Speed below.

- We’ll be looking at Speed’s performance at Rank 70 and above
- We’ll be considering Speed’s overall win percentage in these ranks, but also its average cubes and popularity
- Finally, we'll be taking a quick look at which archetypes the card best fits in and how it performs in the current meta
Our Card Tier List are based on the Average Cubes and Popularity of a card when compared to all other cards in Marvel SNAP.
The Raw Data
Speed has a +0.02 average cube rate at Rank 70 and above, which isn't particularly impressive. The card's winrate tells a similar story, managing an unremarkable 51%. These metrics place Speed in Tier C on our Card Tier Rankings. Despite these middling numbers, that hasn't stopped 1.2% of players from experimenting with Speed. For now, we'll be watching to see if it can match the winrates of cards that play in a similar space, like the 54.9% of Cassandra Nova or the 53.9% of Copycat.
In the meantime, Speed is sitting with similar statistics to Punisher, a card with near identical stats and similar power output. If Punisher doesn't see play, Speed likely will not either.
Remember that these stats will settle over time and this early review consists of 24 hours of data. Be sure to revisit the card stats on our Card Tier List to see where Speed lands in terms of power level and popularity.
Speed’s Best Decks
With over 790,000 games already logged by the Untapped Companion at Rank 70 and above since Speed’s release, we have good picture of which decks are working for Speed and which are not. Here are the best-performing options:
The standout amongst these decks seems to be a variation on the Patriot Archetype featuring Sandman, aiming to play on curve to maximize Speed's power output while stopping the opponent's gameplan with Sandman on Turn 6. The deck often plays cards like Nebula, Sandman and Ultron, which allow you to play on curve and use all your energy most turns. Don’t worry if you are missing any of the cards listed, you can always find a deck tailored to your collection on our Marvel SNAP Decks page.
The other top performer is yet another variation of an existing meta archetype: the Thena Archetype. Thena's gameplan naturally lends itself to playing on curve and utilizing all existing energy to maximize Thena procs, which incidentally lends itself to Speed's core strategy as well. The extra energy from Hope Summers allows you to curve out larger cards sooner while continuing to use all available energy to power up Speed. Elsa Bloodstone also helps with juicing up your Angela lane while you continuously fill with Kitty Pryde.
We also need to not only analyze Speed’s power level, but the archetypes utilizing the card best. If we look at the current Marvel SNAP meta, the Speed Archetype is sitting at Tier D with a 49.6% winrate and -0.02 cube rate using data since Speed's release on August 20, 2024 at Rank 70 and above.
Speed Archetype

Final Thoughts
Is Speed worth your Keys or Tokens? Early Review analysis revolves around two dimensions, Speed's immediate power level and how strong its archetype is in the current Marvel SNAP meta within its release window.
Raw data shows Speed is occupying an ability and power output space similar to cards that do not currently see play and it's doubtful the card will shift Marvel SNAP’s meta in any meaningful way. On an archetype level, the Speed Archetype is sitting at Tier D since its release.
What do you think? Is there some untapped potential to Speed? Is there an undiscovered unicorn deck? Let us know your thoughts over at @UntappedSNAP on Twitter/X. Alternatively, come and chat with the wider Marvel SNAP Community in our Discord Server!