Marvel SNAP Series 1 Deck Guide: On Reveal

Learn how to play the first Marvel SNAP decks you will be able to build

Marvel SNAP Series 1 Deck Guide: On Reveal
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This Marvel SNAP Pool 1 Deck guide is part of a compendium of decks new players can create and improve. The core idea of this guide is to help the new player experience by giving tips on how to play these decks and enhance them as you complete your Pool 1 Marvel SNAP collection by acquiring new cards.
The full list of decks can be found in these specific articles: Pool 1 decks & Pool 2 decks. As an additional resource, you can sync your collection using the Deck Tracker and check out our Pool 1 & Pool 2 deck pages, where you can find decks you can build right away with the cards you own. Furthermore, you can check how popular and powerful they are in the metagame with our Global stats. That being said, let’s jump into the guide.

Marvel SNAP Series 1 Deck: On Reveal

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General Gameplan

The gameplan of the On Reveal deck is having cheap cost units that help you win 2 lanes and buff them with either their own abilities or with Ironheart, who can activate twice with Odin's On Reveal later. You have tech cards such as Enchantress to shut down opposing Ongoing cards that generate more power than you (such as Devil Dinosaur) as well as Spider-Woman to debuff opponent cards. Having Odin trigger On Reveal effects at a location a second time means that even if your early On Reveal card plays don't get value early, such as a Rocket Racoon, or a suboptimal Wolfsbane or Ironheart, you can get them later with Odin. In fact, he allows you to play out such cards early without getting any value in preparation for him later. A lot of the combos in this deck revolve around or are improved by Odin.

Card Breakdown (Series 1)

Odin: A core card in this deck, almost every card in this deck synergizes with him. Being able to play him on a White Tiger or Ironheart on T6 is a way to apply a lot of surprise power across the board, netting you a lot of cubes against unsuspecting opponents.
White Tiger: While a bit RNG, she provides a way to access blocked-off locations, as well as extra value when followed up by Odin, allowing you to put big power in 2-3 lanes at once.
Squirrel Girl: A great 1-cost unit that can fill the board easily. The 3 bodies provide us priority going into the next few turns, allowing us to play cards without fear of getting shut down by Cosmo.
Nightcrawler: He’s a flexible card that can move to unplayable locations. He synergizes well with Ironheart; being able to move a buffed Nightcrawler can surprise an opponent or leave them in an unwinnable position.
Rocket Raccoon: A good 1-drop. Unlike other decks where missing his ability on T1 leaves him a bit weak, you can still get his buff later by triggering his ability again with Odin.
Angela: Angela is regularly a 2/6, with the potential to be higher when you play and move Nightcrawler out of her lane. A generally powerful card.
Ironheart: With the amount of tokens this deck generates, Ironheart regularly provides 6 power for 3-cost, an incredible value. Additionally, you can double it with Odin to get even more power that is spread across the board.
Mister Sinister: Provides more bodies for Ironheart to hit on T3. Be careful not to play him into the Angela lane, as he takes away your ability to trigger her ability an additional time with his clone.
Wolfsbane: The plan with her is to either play her in a lane with a couple of cards to get her power early, or to play her out early and then play Odin on her on T6, to get the power off her.
Jessica Jones: A generally powerful card that you will see in many starter decks because she generates a lot of power for her cost. She gives us a large body and is usually played in a lane we don't want to play Odin in.
Enchantress: A good tech card with solid stats. She helps provide counterplay against Ongoing decks, and Dino decks, and turns off buffs on Kazoo decks.
Spider-Woman: She can turn the tables on an opponent's full lane like an Ongoing deck would have. With Odin, you get even more power, effectively applying 24 power to a lane (8 power from Odin, 8 power from Spider-Woman, and an effective 8 power from reducing the opponent's power by 4 twice).

Card Breakdown (Series 2)

Storm: Storm is able to lock up a lane extremely effectively in this deck. She can be followed up by Jessica Jones, have a Tiger enter her lane, get hit by Ironheart procs, and all of the above is amplified by Odin.


Elektra: A reasonable card that can provide you advantages by destroying powerful opponent 1-drops like Ant-Man and Ebony Maw. While her power wanes as you get past Series 2, she remains a reasonable choice for early-game players.
Hawkeye: You have a few good combos with him to apply a lot of early power to the board such as Hawkeye + Mister Sinister (8 power), which can then grow further in power with an Ironheart buff.
Star-Lord: Has a similar effect to Rocket Racoon, and can also be “corrected” with Odin. However, missing with him is more punishing than missing with Rocket.
Medusa: Medusa has solid stats for a 2-cost card with a condition that is fairly easy to trigger and provides great surprise potential when an Odin is played atop her.
White Queen: Solid power for a 4-cost card, and her ability can help get you an alternate win condition if you don't draw Odin or an Odin play would not win you the game.
Gamora: Another Guardians of the Galaxy card, she can serve as a huge power boost on T5, applying up to 12 power stats on the board.

Example game sequence

T1: Squirrel Girl/Nightcrawler/Rocket Raccoon T2: Angela/Mister Sinister T3: Ironheart/Wolfsbane T4: Wolfsbane + 1-drop/Jessica Jones/Enchantress T5: White Tiger/Spider-Woman/Jessica Jones + 1-drop T6: Odin
For more Pool 1 and 2 Marvel SNAP Dino decks, you can check our Decks page to find those you can build with your collection

Additional Resources


About this article

This article was written by several contributors from the Marvel SNAP’s Official Discord Wiki Team. The Wiki Team is a group of community members who work on and contribute articles to Marvel SNAP’s Discord Wiki. Learn more about this program.

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