Marvel SNAP Series 1 & 2 Deck Guide: Dino

Learn how to play the first Marvel SNAP decks you will be able to build

Marvel SNAP Series 1 & 2 Deck Guide: Dino
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This Marvel SNAP Pool 1 & 2 Deck guide is part of a compendium of decks new players can create and improve. The core idea of this guide is to help the new player experience by giving tips on how to play these decks and enhance them as you complete your Pool 1 & 2 Marvel SNAP collection by acquiring new cards.
The full list of decks can be found in these specific articles: Pool 1 decks & Pool 2 decks. As an additional resource, you can sync your collection using the Deck Tracker and check out our Pool 1 & Pool 2 deck pages, where you can find decks you can build right away with the cards you own. Furthermore, you can check how popular and powerful they are in the metagame with our Global stats. That being said, let’s jump into the guide.

Marvel SNAP Series 1 Deck: Good Cards Dino

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Marvel SNAP Series 2 Deck: Hand Size Dino

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General Gameplan

The goal of this deck is to put as many cost-efficient stats into play as possible, beating opponents by having too many points in all the lanes for them to contest. When the draw lines up, this deck is capped by a Moon Girl, Dino, Dino play for T4, 5, & 6. Even if we don't draw perfectly, cards like Jessica Jones can get us way ahead in a lane, or White Queen can copy a card from an opponent to get their powerful turn; worst case, we always have Gamora for backup power if we don't draw our Devil Dino. Most of the cards in this deck apply top-tier stats for their cost.
This deck is particularly vulnerable to Shang-Chi and Enchantress, so we usually want to hide our first Dino behind Cosmo or Armor whenever possible.

Card Breakdown (Series 1)

Devil Dinosaur: The big payoff in this deck, using the card generation synergies Dino will regularly hit the board for 13+ power. With Moon Girl, you can play two of them, which is incredibly difficult for opponents to outpower.
Moon Girl: She serves two purposes in this deck. The first is to get you a second Devil Dinosaur. The second is to help fill up your hand so that Dino has as much power as possible. As a backup, you can get lots of smaller cards and flood the board, boosting copies of Angela or applying a lot of extra power in all lanes with several Mister Fantastic.
White Queen: Another card generator with great stats, White Queen can also help you get a powerful card to close out the game when you're unable to draw your own.
Sentinel: The third card generator, Sentinel allows you to apply power to the board consistently, synergizing with Angela, while keeping your hand full for Dino.
Korg: Provides disruption to the opponent’s draw by shuffling a card into it. This can cause an opponent to draw a rock, which can be very impactful, even if you don't see it.
Cable: Decent stats for his cost, Cable continues to feed into our game plan of keeping the number of cards in our hand high. Additionally, you get information on your opponent's game plan, and in some situations, you can steal your opponent's key card and Snap on them for massive cube equity.

Card Breakdown (Series 2)

Agent 13: She provides yet another card generation effect. In games we don't draw Moon Girl, the extra cards in hand really help bolster Devil Dino.
Scorpion: While his 2-power may seem to go against the theme of this deck (apply as much power to the board as possible), Scorpion will regularly hit 3+ cards in the opponent's hand. You can think of him as an effective 4+ power card due to the negative debuffs he applies.
Armor: Since Series 2 introduces Shang-Chi, Armor gives us a way to defend our Dino against him when we don't draw our Cosmo. He serves a secondary purpose in providing disruption against destroy-style decks.
Cosmo: Our sole source of protection from Shang-Chi and Enchantress, Cosmo allows us to both disrupt opponent On Reveal effects when deployed strategically as well as protect our Devil Dinosaur's power from being removed from the board.
Storm: Storm T3 into Jessica Jones T4 is a tried and true combo to lock up a lane victory in the mid-game. This allows us to deploy our Dino more aggressively, as we will typically only need to win one of the remaining two lanes, and the opponent will have to spend their T6 removing our Dino to have a chance.
Gamora: Gamora is a fallback plan if you don't draw your Devil Dinosaur. She applies a ton of stats for her cost.


Any 1-cost: Iceman, Hawkeye, Misty Knight Any 2-cost: Medusa, Shocker Any 3-cost: Wolfsbane, Groot, Cyclops Jessica Jones: Thing, Namor

Example Game Sequence

T1: Korg/Nightcrawler T2: Angela/Scorpion/Sentinel T3: Cosmo/Mister Fantastic/Storm/Sentinel + 1-cost T4: Moon Girl/Jessica Jones/White Queen/Sentinel + 2-cost T5: Devil Dino/3-cost + 2-cost T6: Devil Dino
For more Pool 1 and 2 Marvel SNAP Dino decks, you can check our Decks page to find those you can build with your collection

Additional Resources


About this article

This article was written by several contributors from the Marvel SNAP’s Official Discord Wiki Team. The Wiki Team is a group of community members who work on and contribute articles to Marvel SNAP’s Discord Wiki. Learn more about this program.

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