Marvel SNAP Series 1 & 2 Deck Guide: Ongoing

Learn how to play the first Marvel SNAP decks you will be able to build

Marvel SNAP Series 1 & 2 Deck Guide: Ongoing
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This Marvel SNAP Pool 1 & 2 Deck guide is part of a compendium of decks new players can create and improve. The core idea of this guide is to help the new player experience by giving tips on how to play these decks and enhance them as you complete your Pool 1 & 2 Marvel SNAP collection by acquiring new cards.
The full list of decks can be found in these specific articles: Pool 1 decks & Pool 2 decks. As an additional resource, you can sync your collection using the Deck Tracker and check out our Pool 1 & Pool 2 deck pages, where you can find decks you can build right away with the cards you own. Furthermore, you can check how popular and powerful they are in the metagame with our Global stats. That being said, let’s jump into the guide.

Marvel SNAP Series 1 Deck: Ongoing

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Marvel SNAP Series 2 Deck: Ongoing

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General Gameplan

The Ongoing deck is a very linear deck. You want to stack power into two lanes, taking advantage of the ongoing abilities to scale their power from cards like Ant-Man and Captain America, get secondary power in a second lane using Namor and Klaw, and get a huge power boost finishing the game with either Spectrum or Onslaught.

Card Breakdown (Series 1)

Spectrum: Spectrum is the big payoff for this deck. Giving +2 power to all of your Ongoing cards, making it very difficult to match the power of your stacked locations.
Cosmo: Because this deck wants to stack most of the Ongoing cards in one lane, it is particularly susceptible to Enchantress. Cosmo fixes this weakness. More often than not, you will want to play him in the same lane as your Ant-Man, Klaw, etc, to protect the Ongoing effects from Enchantress and the buffed stats from Shang-Chi. It's especially important, as an Ongoing card hit by Enchantress won't be able to be buffed by Spectrum.
Ant-Man: He's the only 1-drop in the deck, and will almost always have his Ongoing activated due to your cards being stacked in two lanes.
Armor: A 2-drop with an Ongoing effect that can protect your cards from Shang-Chi after they've been buffed by Spectrum. She will be your preferential 2-drop to play.
Lizard: Really good stats for the cost. The downside of losing power when the opponent fills a lane is offset by the fact that you will also be stacking a bunch of power in his lane, and will generally be able to overpower the opponent. Just don't play Onslaught on top of him, or he will actually have negative power.
Colossus: Another 2-drop with an Ongoing effect. Additionally useful for getting power into difficult locations like Death's Domain or Altar of Death.
Mister Fantastic: Providing 6 power for 3 energy if he's played in the middle, Mister Fantastic also serves as a way to get power into locked-down locations like Sanctum Sanctorum. He also synergizes well with Professor X, being able to apply power into the X'ed lane after the Professor has locked it down.
Captain America: Because of how we play this deck, he will almost always be a 3/8, making him a very good card.
Namor: So long as he's alone in his lane, Namor provides 11 power for 4 energy, well above the rate for his cost. It can be challenging to make sure he's isolated, but using cards like Mister Fantastic and Klaw to deploy extra power to his lane can be helpful.
Professor X: One of the more powerful cards in this deck, Professor X helps secure lanes for a more controlled final turn of the game. He can lock up lanes opponents may be uninclined to play cards in, such as Death's Domain, lock down a location that your opponent hasn't started to contest, and synergize greatly with the multiple different ways we have to get power to reach other locations like Klaw and Mister Fantastic.
Klaw: As has been stated above, he does a great job synergizing with ProfX and Namor, as well as getting power in troublesome locations. With the help of Onslaught, he can surprise an opponent with a burst of power in another lane.
Onslaught: Onslaught is a way to seal out a game with extra power in one of your lanes. He's best played into a lane with Mister Fantastic or Klaw.

Card Breakdown (Series 2)

Warpath: A better Namor. This deck typically isn't fighting for 3 locations unless you are abusing Klaw's power, so you will almost always be able to have his ability active.


Any 2-cost: Angela, Shocker Any 3-cost: Punisher, Cyclops Namor: Jessica Jones Any 5-cost: Iron Man, Abomination Onslaught: Hulk

Example Game Sequence

T1: Ant-Man T2: Armor/Lizard/Colossus T3: Cosmo/Mister Fantastic/Captain America T4: Namor/Warpath/Ant-Man + 3 cost T5: Klaw/Professor X T6: Spectrum/Onslaught
For more Pool 1 and 2 Marvel SNAP Dino decks, you can check our Decks page to find those you can build with your collection

Additional Resources


About this article

This article was written by several contributors from the Marvel SNAP’s Official Discord Wiki Team. The Wiki Team is a group of community members who work on and contribute articles to Marvel SNAP’s Discord Wiki. Learn more about this program.

Post Changelog

  • [4/13/2024] Introduced
  • [5/25/2024] Updated for most recent balance changes


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